domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011
In summer often I go to Portaventura, it's a very big place and it's funny. In my life I've been sometimes with my family, friends and last summer I went with my boyfriend. We went to spend the day at Portaventura, my boyfriend was a bit ill but later he felt better.
When we arrived at the park there were a lot of people, we didn't have lunch because it was still too early.
I had not seen the new attraction which says, "Furius Baco", it is very original and everybody who had been told me it was very funny and it went very fast. We started getting on the attractions the wore not very frightening but later we went to the "dragon kan", I like this attraction a lot because when you go up to go down the long descent it's great.
The last attraction we went on was the "furius baco", we had to wait for on hour. I really liked it and we bought the video because it was a good laught.
The finally, when we were about to leave, we went to the part where there are games and you win soft toys. We started playing and it was difficult, my boyfriend won a cow which was too big for me and a Shreek.
We had to go home by train and we nearly didn't fit in the seat because the cow was so big, everyone looked at us.
The price of petrol goes up
Nowadays we are in crisis and that is why prices go up a lot. Petrol is one of the things that has increased more because petrol is essential for everybody.
Now to put petrol in your vehicle is very painful because it is very expensive. The price of petrol has reached its record higuest.
In Spain the price of petrol increased by 15% compared to january of 2010 and this problem affects in the society.
I think that this problem is affecting us all because just to go work you spend a lot of money depending on where you work. On the other hand I think that this price increase will help us out after the crisis I also think that it affects us more because petrol is something that everyone uses and that the government has increased the price of petrol more than other things.
In conclusion, I think that if petrol continues to increase people are going to stop using vehicles.
sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011
My oral presentation
I think that in this oral presentation I was less nervous that in the previous presentation because I was more comfortable with the class, although I think that I read more than the other presentation.
Also this presentation was more difficult and vocabulary level increased, so I read a little.
In my opinion, I think the best thing we was the power-point because it wasn't boring because it had very pretty pictures of Hawaii. The other thing that I'm happy about is it lasted a long time, aproximatly eleven minutes.
I also think I need to improve the pronunciation but it's difficult because to improve you have to practice.
The topic was interesting because Hawaii is a very beautiful place and it has beautiful landscapes, I believe that we spoke about interesting things like the places to visit or that the serial Lost was shot in Hawai, etc...
Really, I think that if you do it with another person you feel more secure because the people don't look at you so much and the same person doesn't talk all the time. However the problem is that you can't pracitce a lot together.
In conclusion, I will try to improve more for the next presentation.
The islands
I think that in this oral presentation I was less nervous that in the previous presentation because I was more comfortable with the class, although I think that I read more than the other presentation.
Also this presentation was more difficult and vocabulary level increased, so I read a little.
In my opinion, I think the best thing we was the power-point because it wasn't boring because it had very pretty pictures of Hawaii. The other thing that I'm happy about is it lasted a long time, aproximatly eleven minutes.
I also think I need to improve the pronunciation but it's difficult because to improve you have to practice.
The topic was interesting because Hawaii is a very beautiful place and it has beautiful landscapes, I believe that we spoke about interesting things like the places to visit or that the serial Lost was shot in Hawai, etc...
Really, I think that if you do it with another person you feel more secure because the people don't look at you so much and the same person doesn't talk all the time. However the problem is that you can't pracitce a lot together.
In conclusion, I will try to improve more for the next presentation.
The islands
This country is made up of eighteen islands, it’s capital is Honolulu, in this city there is a very important beach the most important beach in these islands. It has got a tropical climate but there is also a lot of rain. Hawaii is one of the united states of America. You can find it in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
The official languages in hawaii: hawaian and english.
In Hawaii there are 1.285.498 inhabitants (here you can see the inhabitants of the most important islands).
In Hawaii forty nine per cent of the people are men and fifty-one per cent of the people are women. In Hawaii we can find people from different countries like Alaska, Asia, Afro american people, hispano Latino people and from other countries.
The most important and famous food is; Poke and Pa mea’ai.
-Poke; fish in mineral salt and it is made up of Kalua stile dug in a well and put on hot rocks and then they put the fish on the hot rock to cook it. Finally the fish is served with little onions, peppers, and soja sauce.
The other traditional food is Pa mea’ai; the main food can be meat or fish with rice and macarroni or salad.
Drinks: the most important cocktail are: Tiki, Blue Hawaii and Mai-Tai, all of the cocktails are made with rum.
The economy of hawaii is basically based on the tourism. Before the economy was based on the military activities. The money that hawaians use is the dollar.
(We have chosen some interesting things about Hawaii and now I are going to speak about them)
-Wiki-wiki; this is a word that the hawaians say to the buses because the buses are very fast, so the word wiki is another word for fast.
-The president Barak Obama was born in Hawaii.
-The famous TV series “Lost” was shot in Hawaii.
-The film 2012 was shot in Hawaii, because there are scenes with volcanoes.
-A lot of couples get married in Hawaii because this is a dream or a lot of women. The couples both wear white clothes and the family wear the flower necklace. What you can visit in Hawaii.
-The national volcano park, where you can see the biggest volcanoes in the world , you can also see the volcanoes chenger.
-The Valley Waipi’o where you can climb and go horse riding. In volley waipi’o you can visit the waterfalls.
-At the Kahaluu beach you can go snorkeling with the animals: like tropical fish, dolphins, turtles and whales.
-You can also do helicopter tour and see the different places and things like mountans, volcanoes, beaches. You can walk in the forest too.
-The most typical activity in Hawai is the Luau, it’s a show where the dancers dance the hula.
We think that if we have the opportunity to travel we will choose this island, because while we were doing this project we learnt about different from here. We would also visit this country because of its culture because it is very interesting and new for us.
Television series

At the moment my favourite serial is "Gossip girl". I started to watch this werial a few months ago on internet because it's not on T.V.
Gossip girl is about very rich teenagers, they live in New York. There are a six main characthers and they have problems with their families, friends and school.
They have a very different life from other people because they are very rich, they go to private schools, they have very big houses, they go to parties with very important people that have a lot of money.
Gossip girl I like very much because it is reflected in the lives of teenagers, I also like it because they wear clothes that are very beautiful because they are all famous makes and they always wear different dresses. In this serial there are a lot of places that I would go to like Empire State building, Central Park, Manhattan...

The other favourite TV serial is Infidels, it's completly different to Gossip girl. There are a five main characters and all the characters are women. All the women have things in common, although they have very differents lives. Their professions are: teacher, psycologist, civil servant, economist and writer.
The main thing they have in common is that they are all friends, they help each other when one has a problem, they always get together for dinner and they talk about problems or other things and they also go to swimming lessons together.
I like this serial a lot, even though is very different but in the two serials they speak about real things.
Anti-tabaco law
A few days ago the goverment passed a new law, this law has caused a lot of problems because there are a lot of people in favour of this law and the lot of people against.
On one hand I agree with law because when you are in a restaurant or bar eating the smoke pothers you. I think that moost of all it affects the children because unconciuosly also they breathe in the smoke.
On the other hand I am against with this law because I think that the discos or pubs are places where there are only young people you should be able to smoke.
When the goverment passed this law, there were a lot of problems and a lot of people let smoke in their bars because they think that they will lose a lot of money.
I thinkt hat this law is very well for everybody because it doesn't affect people who don't smoke.
jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011
A lot like love
Two young people meet on a plane, Oliver (Ashton Kutcher) he has just graduated from university and Emily (Peet). She is a very free and spontaneous girl.
When the plane lands they are together day and they swear that day that they will see eachother again six years later. They are quite different in everything they two different ways of seeing life. They both continue with their lives, but every year they meet. The last year that they meet their relations ship has changed and Oliver has finished his studies.
When they meet they always spend days some together, they laugh and talk about everything without any problems and they always help each other.
Finally, after six years, they meet again and they are in love.
This movie is one of my favorites, because it is a very original romantic comedy. There are parts of the film that are rather funny and it reflexes what can happen in your life.
In summer I went to see Estopa in Rosas, I will never forget it, went with my parents and my sister. The stage was very big and we were quite near the front so we could see very well.
We went a while before, there were a lot of people. It was very cloudy and later it began to rain before they started. Everybody was afraid that the concert would be cancelled. We were waiting at the entrance.
After approximatly an hou it began, everybody was amused. The singers were very friendly. All the time I was jomping and singing with my sister. They sang a lot of songs, from all the CD's. I have liked them since I was little because the rythm and words of the songs are very beautiful.
The area was very big, and there were a lot of people. Now, I will write down the words of the song.
Every summer, I go to a summer camp for two weeks. I go with my friends and there we meet other people, it's very amusing.
The camp is usually in a field, and we have monitors who tell us how we have to put up our tents. The first day, we are divided into groups because we have to do some work like cooking and cleaning. We are never bored, because we always go on short trips we play games. Too we play cards and we walk a lot.
I prefer going to the lake, because it is very relaxing and it is very beautiful and nice. We always sunbathe.
At night, we sometimes sleep outside the tent and after in the morning we find that mosquitoes have bitten us. We also play games at night and everyboody look at the stars.
When we go on the trips, we climb all the way up the mountain and I like it the views very much.
At the end, everybody is quite sad because we have to say goodbye.
In my future...
At the moment, I'm studying a social Batxillerat, it is very difficult. But I'm doing it because when I am older I will be able to do a job that I like a nursery school teacher.
I have always loved children, when I was a child I always wanted to look after my cousins because I liked to play with them and they were very amusing. When you are a child you always have dreams, "When I am older I want to be...". But really very few people become what they want to be because apart from being difficult it is expensive.
I have always wanted to work in a job that isn't boring and that has a good salary.
So, I would like to pass Batxillerat, and after go to university. Everyboody says that going to university are the best years of your life, because you meet a lot of people, and there are a lot of parties but also you have to be very responsible and organized.
In conclusion, that is what I won't to do in the future.
I have always loved children, when I was a child I always wanted to look after my cousins because I liked to play with them and they were very amusing. When you are a child you always have dreams, "When I am older I want to be...". But really very few people become what they want to be because apart from being difficult it is expensive.
I have always wanted to work in a job that isn't boring and that has a good salary.
So, I would like to pass Batxillerat, and after go to university. Everyboody says that going to university are the best years of your life, because you meet a lot of people, and there are a lot of parties but also you have to be very responsible and organized.
In conclusion, that is what I won't to do in the future.
Julia's birthday
On 16th of February was my bestfriend's birthday her name is Júlia, she was eighteen years old.
I think that when you are eighteen years old it's very important because you are an adult.
All her friends prepared a party, we wanted to rent a place to have a party, but it was very difficult and expensive and we didn't realize this. Finally we went to dinner in restaurant Júlia arrived last of all, when she arrived she was very funny because she didn't expect the sorprise.
When we were having dinner, she said thank you to everybody and I was very moved.
After we ate a cake and we gave her the presents our present was a trip to Canarias from all the friends and a book of photos because she likes photos a lot and she always says that she would like a model. She liked the present a lot and when we said she was moved.
After, we went in the "Saloon" it's a pub in Empuriabrava, there wasn't anyboody but we enjoyed ourselves.
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On 16th of February was my bestfriend's birthday her name is Júlia, she was eighteen years old.
I think that when you are eighteen years old it's very important because you are an adult.
All her friends prepared a party, we wanted to rent a place to have a party, but it was very difficult and expensive and we didn't realize this. Finally we went to dinner in restaurant Júlia arrived last of all, when she arrived she was very funny because she didn't expect the sorprise.
When we were having dinner, she said thank you to everybody and I was very moved.
After we ate a cake and we gave her the presents our present was a trip to Canarias from all the friends and a book of photos because she likes photos a lot and she always says that she would like a model. She liked the present a lot and when we said she was moved.
After, we went in the "Saloon" it's a pub in Empuriabrava, there wasn't anyboody but we enjoyed ourselves.
Nowadays there are a lot of abortions, there are more abortions with young teenagers. Every day it is more normal, although a long time ago it wasn't possible to haven't abortion in Spain, and in spite of this people went the others countries.
In my opinion I agree with abortion because I think that if a young teenager get pregnant by accident they have the right to have an abortion, because I think that one adolescent don't responsable enough to look after a baby, but I also think that older people that get pregnant sould avoid an abortion unless it is for health reasons.
Sometimes there are teenagers who have an abortion and after suffer the negative psycological feelings because they think about the baby and they feel bad because they feel guilty because they think they have killed the baby.
Many years ago people had abortions and has a resolt they often died because the abortion was done in bad conditions and often the doctor wasn't a doctor. Nowadays this have change completely.
In conclusion, I think that people sould use some kind of method so that they don't have to decide about an abortion or not.
In my opinion I agree with abortion because I think that if a young teenager get pregnant by accident they have the right to have an abortion, because I think that one adolescent don't responsable enough to look after a baby, but I also think that older people that get pregnant sould avoid an abortion unless it is for health reasons.
Sometimes there are teenagers who have an abortion and after suffer the negative psycological feelings because they think about the baby and they feel bad because they feel guilty because they think they have killed the baby.
Many years ago people had abortions and has a resolt they often died because the abortion was done in bad conditions and often the doctor wasn't a doctor. Nowadays this have change completely.
In conclusion, I think that people sould use some kind of method so that they don't have to decide about an abortion or not.
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