I think my oral presentation went quite well compared to the other presentations last year. I was very nervous and the people in my class had never seen me doing an oral presentation and maybe for this I was very embarassed.
In my opinion the power-point went very well because there were a lot of images and there weren't any words. I didn't read during the presentation but at the end I read a little, although I think that I didn't read very much and I was pontanious.
I also think that the topic was interesting for the class because I talked about the things I like and so my class mates can get to know me a little better.
The part that I have to practice more is the pronunciation because there are a lot of words that I pronunced badly even though I had practised the pronunciation at home.
Some words I practised were, for example, quit, couple, author, statue of Liberty...
The oral presentation was the most difficult part but I has practiced with power-point at home quite a lot. I also practised in front of my parents, my friends, my sister...
In conclusion, I hope to improve in the other presentations.
viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010
Hello, In my oral presentation I'm going to talk about my hobbies and the thing I like.
To begin, I'm going to talk about my favourite singer, he is Melendi. I listened to Melendi's music when I was little, because my parents also like Melendi. He is a spanish pop singer with flamenco, rumba and rock and he was born in Asturias. He has made a five CD's the first CD was published in two thousand and three, it is called "Sin noticias de Holanda" and the las CD was published in two thousand and nine. I like Melendi because his music is fun and the lyrics of his songs make me think a lot. Someday, I would like to go to one of his concert.
Now, I'm going to talk about my favourite film, this is "The notebook". This film is my favourite because I like the romantic films very much. The notebook is a film with many feelings and it speaks about my personal love story. It is a couple who are very much in love but they have to separate. In the end there are meet again.
My favourite hobby is dancying, I dance hip-hop and I started when I was eight years old. At the moment, I dance hip-hop in Castelló d'Empúries with a group of girls of all ages, because there aren't sufficient girls of my age.
Every year, we go to dance in a lot of villages. The best show is in Castelló d'Empúries because there are a lot of groups to dance who come to dance. I would like to dance in competitions.
When I was small, I used to play volley-ball but a few years I quit, because there weren't enought players and I left the team. Although it is still my favourite sport.
In my free time I like going out with my friends and my boyfriend to the cinema, I go in my village in a bar and I go to the disco. I also like to talk to my sister because I don't see a very often because she is studying in Barcelona.
I also, In my free time I love reading. I read all kinds of books and the best book for me is "A tres metros sobre el cielo" by the author it is Federico Moccia, I think that this author expresses his feelings very well and I really like the way he writes.
My hobby is also travelling and my dream is to travel around the world but it is very difficul because I don't have a lot of free time and it is very expensive.
I've always wanted to travel to New York. I would like to travel to New York because it is very different from here. What impresses me most about this country are the big buildings.
New York is the typical country of the films, and I also sould like to do this, because I could visit he places that are in the films. What I like most about New York is the Statue of Liberty because it is the most famous monument in the New York and worldwide and apart from being important it is also a symbol of Liberty. I hope to go in New York in the future.
Finally, I'm going to talk about the things I like because then people can get to know me a little better.
Hello, In my oral presentation I'm going to talk about my hobbies and the thing I like.
To begin, I'm going to talk about my favourite singer, he is Melendi. I listened to Melendi's music when I was little, because my parents also like Melendi. He is a spanish pop singer with flamenco, rumba and rock and he was born in Asturias. He has made a five CD's the first CD was published in two thousand and three, it is called "Sin noticias de Holanda" and the las CD was published in two thousand and nine. I like Melendi because his music is fun and the lyrics of his songs make me think a lot. Someday, I would like to go to one of his concert.
Now, I'm going to talk about my favourite film, this is "The notebook". This film is my favourite because I like the romantic films very much. The notebook is a film with many feelings and it speaks about my personal love story. It is a couple who are very much in love but they have to separate. In the end there are meet again.
My favourite hobby is dancying, I dance hip-hop and I started when I was eight years old. At the moment, I dance hip-hop in Castelló d'Empúries with a group of girls of all ages, because there aren't sufficient girls of my age.
Every year, we go to dance in a lot of villages. The best show is in Castelló d'Empúries because there are a lot of groups to dance who come to dance. I would like to dance in competitions.
When I was small, I used to play volley-ball but a few years I quit, because there weren't enought players and I left the team. Although it is still my favourite sport.
In my free time I like going out with my friends and my boyfriend to the cinema, I go in my village in a bar and I go to the disco. I also like to talk to my sister because I don't see a very often because she is studying in Barcelona.
I also, In my free time I love reading. I read all kinds of books and the best book for me is "A tres metros sobre el cielo" by the author it is Federico Moccia, I think that this author expresses his feelings very well and I really like the way he writes.
My hobby is also travelling and my dream is to travel around the world but it is very difficul because I don't have a lot of free time and it is very expensive.
I've always wanted to travel to New York. I would like to travel to New York because it is very different from here. What impresses me most about this country are the big buildings.
New York is the typical country of the films, and I also sould like to do this, because I could visit he places that are in the films. What I like most about New York is the Statue of Liberty because it is the most famous monument in the New York and worldwide and apart from being important it is also a symbol of Liberty. I hope to go in New York in the future.
Finally, I'm going to talk about the things I like because then people can get to know me a little better.
My I like all kinds of animal very much, but my favourite animal is the cat.
When I was small, I had a cat called Lluna, one day my friend called me and she said that her cat had kittens and did I want one and I said yes immediatly without asking they didn't say anything and I was very excited.
I like cats a lot because they are very quiet and most of all they are very clein, cats cause less problems because, for example, the a has to be takes for a walk and you have to look after a dog.
When my cat was died I was very sad because I loved it very much. There are a lot of people think that you can't love an animal more than a person, but I think you can.
I would like to have cat again, because I need one.
I also I like monkeys very much and I always hope to have one, but I think that it is impossible because it is il·legal I love monkeys because they are very simillars to us.
She was wearing transparent clothing and she took a stage during the presentation of the band somi Precious weapons at the Lallapalooza Festival in Chicago. Lady Gaga threw herself at the crowds after kissing the singer of the group.
I think that Lady Gaga is very crazy, because she is quite a strange person. I don't think it is normal that she takes off her clothes when she is on stage in the middle of a show.
In my opinion I think she does this to be more popular, and she has really done it, because she is the pop princess. A lot of people say that Lady Gaga wants to imitate a Maddona, becauseshe is "Reina del Pop" and they have a lot of similarites and very similar styles.
Personallity, I don't like her but there are some songs that I like very much, for example, "Alejandro", eventhough the lyrics of his song don't mean anything. I also think that her videoclips are very different and strange, but that's why she is so famous, because she is very different from the other singers.
I think that Lady Gaga is very crazy, because she is quite a strange person. I don't think it is normal that she takes off her clothes when she is on stage in the middle of a show.
In my opinion I think she does this to be more popular, and she has really done it, because she is the pop princess. A lot of people say that Lady Gaga wants to imitate a Maddona, becauseshe is "Reina del Pop" and they have a lot of similarites and very similar styles.
Personallity, I don't like her but there are some songs that I like very much, for example, "Alejandro", eventhough the lyrics of his song don't mean anything. I also think that her videoclips are very different and strange, but that's why she is so famous, because she is very different from the other singers.
jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

In recent years there has been a lot scandle with reference to cannabis in Great Britain. The Trade Unions promoted it as an alternative to chocolate, invalids demanded it for pain relief, and Prince Harry scandalised the nation because he got high. Since then the Goverment has reduced penalties and is permitting Dutch style cannabis cafés to open.
In my opinion I think that it is a bad idea, and it will affect the world because if you begin to legalize drugs finally everybody will be less intelligent and more violent.
I think that it also affects me because when I grow up, I do not went my children to live in this world.
If there are more addicts it willl get worse. I do not think it is normal that invalids demand it for pain relief, because in my opinion I think that are the other solutions for pain relief.
MAGAZINE: Speak up.

Americans are fat, they are getting fatter and, as soon as, they out-eat the south sea Islanders, they will be the fattest people in the world. This alarming message, from the journalist Greg Crister, has helped promote the provocative bestseller fat land.
In my opinion, I think that it affects them self because these people that are obesity find it difficult to have a healthy life.
The solution to the problem is that they sould eat more carefully and do more exercise but I know that it is very difficult.
I also I think that the majority persons who are obesity are the Americans because there is a lot of fast food and fast food restaurants. They are used to eating in these places.
In my point of view I think that in America they sould cook healthier food.
People who are obesity should consult a professional person to help them follow a healthy diest so that they can lose weight.
MAGAZINE: Speak up.
In my oral presentation I'm going to talk about my favourite hobby it is dancing and I dance hip-hop in Castelló d'Empúries.
Last Saturday I danced in a disco, called Pacha Illusion and last Saturday was the opening of this disco.
Last week my hip-hop teacher told us that we would dance in a disco and we had very little time to prepare. We were very shy, because there were a lot of people in the disco that we know. There were a lot of different groups were dancing and they were all very good.
First we went to dinner in Empuriabrava and after we went to "Illusion". When we arrived there were a lot of people waiting to go and we were very nervous. After we went to the dressing room to get changed and to put on our make-up.
We started dancinc at two o'clock and there were a lot of people because it was inauguration. The dance went quite well as we had hoped, and it was very amusing . The other groups also danced very well.
After the show my friends and I stayed in the disco and we has a good time.
The girls danced could go in the V.I.P room and everything was free.
In conclusion, I think that it was a new experience and it was a different night.
martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010
Jamal Malik is a poor adolescente who was competing in the game of “Who wants to be a millionaire?” in India. He has won 10000000 rupias and he has to answer las question that he will answer the following day for twenty million rupias but when he leaves to go home he is interrogated for police because they think that Jamal is cheating because he has answered all the questions.
Jamal explains that he knows all the questions because by chance all the questions has happened during his life. He has a brother, called Salim and the love of his life is Latika who he has known from when they were little when they were small, they were taken by Maman is a man who wants the children to steal for him, but Jamal and Salim exacpe but Latika doesn’t escape and has to stay with Maman.
After a time Jamal finds out that Latika is a prostituye. Finally, Jamal answers the last question and he frees Latika.
In my opinión I think that it is a very different film from the others, but this film is very reall. There are a moments during the film when you see the life that some people because this is a film with many feelings. I also like it because it is base don reality because the programme ”Who wants to be a millionaire?” is a programme you often see and I never imagined that this programme could be used in a film.

Nowadays everything it is very different. New, I think that internet is very imporant in your life without internet you can't see news every day .
The adolescents use internet a lot the majority adolescents need internet every day, but reallly it is also on inconvenience because the majority of the day they use the computer or watch TV. Internet, makes you have more culture and you are interested in a lot for things.
I think that nowadays there is a lot of technology and it is very bad for middle-aged people because they don't use new tecnologies for example, PC (internet) but so I agree that there should be internet class for people.
The most visited were page is Facebook, nowadays all kins of people have a facebook but the majority of people use the Facebook are a adolescents. I think that this has become a habit for teenagers and myself included. It is a good very to pass time when you are bored.
lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2010
People often love a place because they have good memories of it. I think that it influences a lot if you have a good memory or a bad memory, because sometimes maybe it's a beautiful day but in the this place you have a bad experience.
I'm going to talk about a nice place for me. I am a person who like the countryside I could spend many hours looking at beautiful countryside.
Last year, I was angry with my boyfriend and as he knows that I love these places me took me to a place in Roses. The moment that we arrived I know that I liked it very much, from the top of mountain you could see all Castelló d'Empúries, Roses, Empuriabrava... But the most beautiful was the view of the sea.
We were there all afternoon until it got dark, we talked a lot and finally everything was OK.
In conclusion, I say that sometimes you do not need a beautiful views but a good memory and good company.
I have a lot of photos with my boyfriend but this photo is one of the best.
Last week my grandparents celebrated fifty years of being married and it was very amusing.
To begin, all my family went to church, as if they were getting married again. After we went to eat in Santa Margarita in the hotel Montecarlo. The hotel is very beautiful and very big.
I was very excited because I hadn't seen some of my family for a long time, for example, my cousin lives in Barcelona and I don't see her very often. When we arrived at the hotel, we ate a "pica-pica".
I have a cousin, called Pol and he will be a year old on 28 of November, he is the smallest of my family and everyone was watching him. Pol was at the end of the thable and he made us laugh all the time.
Also, my uncle is a photograper and he was taking pictures all the time, the first of my grandparents, after of all the family, because we are a big family.
My grandparents have a four children, my father and a brother and two sisters. After they prepared a very nice letter dedicated it to my grandparents and I was so thrilled. Everyboody was given a magnetic badge with Valentina and Norberto on it.
Finally my grandparents cut a cake like when they got married for the first time.
In conlusion, I liked it very much.
To begin, all my family went to church, as if they were getting married again. After we went to eat in Santa Margarita in the hotel Montecarlo. The hotel is very beautiful and very big.
I was very excited because I hadn't seen some of my family for a long time, for example, my cousin lives in Barcelona and I don't see her very often. When we arrived at the hotel, we ate a "pica-pica".
I have a cousin, called Pol and he will be a year old on 28 of November, he is the smallest of my family and everyone was watching him. Pol was at the end of the thable and he made us laugh all the time.
Also, my uncle is a photograper and he was taking pictures all the time, the first of my grandparents, after of all the family, because we are a big family.
My grandparents have a four children, my father and a brother and two sisters. After they prepared a very nice letter dedicated it to my grandparents and I was so thrilled. Everyboody was given a magnetic badge with Valentina and Norberto on it.
Finally my grandparents cut a cake like when they got married for the first time.
In conlusion, I liked it very much.
martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010
What's the difference between anorexia and bolimia?
Anorexia the majority of people who have this illness are young people. This ilness affects people a lot because you don't eat.
These people are very intelligent because they always try to hide the illness.
I think that models influence people a lot because the majority of models are very thin and adolescents wan't to be like them.
People who have these illnesses don't eat and this is harmful for the health.
I think that girls and boys who have this illness they are obssesed with food.
Even though these two illnesses affect a lot people, I think that anorexia has more consequences than bolimia because a person doesn't eat anything.
In conclusion, these illness are very psycologial because for example, when they look in a mirror, eventhough there are thin, they see that they are fat.
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