Nowadays everything it is very different. New, I think that internet is very imporant in your life without internet you can't see news every day .
The adolescents use internet a lot the majority adolescents need internet every day, but reallly it is also on inconvenience because the majority of the day they use the computer or watch TV. Internet, makes you have more culture and you are interested in a lot for things.
I think that nowadays there is a lot of technology and it is very bad for middle-aged people because they don't use new tecnologies for example, PC (internet) but so I agree that there should be internet class for people.
The most visited were page is Facebook, nowadays all kins of people have a facebook but the majority of people use the Facebook are a adolescents. I think that this has become a habit for teenagers and myself included. It is a good very to pass time when you are bored.
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