To begin, I want to say that I'm very proud of all the work I've done. When I see my blog space I think that I have improved a lot. For example, in my oral presentations I believe that the first presentation I read a lot and the oral presentation of 2on term I wasn't nervous and my pronuntation has improved a lot.
The activity that best shows my level, are the writings because I have learnt a lot of vocabulary and each time it becomes easier to write and faster. Also, the activity that has helped me improve my level of English is the oral presentation because I was able to work better my pronuntation, this is the most difficult aspect for me and the oral presentation has also helped me to speak English in public, for me this is difficult because I'm shy.
For me the activity that I didn't find useful for me level have been the listenings because quite often I didn't understand what they were talking about and then I couldn't follow the conversation very well.
The other activity that didn't help me to improve is when we were in the language classroom because I couldn't concentrate enough.
The activity that I liked a lot was when all the class played games because it was very entrataining and we also learnt a lot.
In conclusion I hope that I will improve my level of English a lot and really I also think that I've worked hard this year and this will help in my future.
miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012
domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012
sábado, 12 de mayo de 2012
Love is a really nice word but does it exist? I would like to think that this feeling can be forever, but unfortunately the world is changing. Before there was a clear idea: find a man and get married. Nowadays the mentality society is only live the moment and enjoy it to the maximium. This is OK, but we have to put limits because we have to act like mature people.
We live for now; we want everything, we want move money, more fame. We are very egotistical. How can love survive, when we only think of ourselves?
There's another problem with love, it is difficult for it can last. For example, if you meet a person, you feel confident with and you become to go out with when you are young. It's very difficult because you have all your life ahead of you. Perhaps this young relationship will prevent you meeting your goals.
To finish I would like to say that I think that love exists and that can last forever, but it's not imposible. Now, I have a relationship since four years and I hope not never end and moreover that not be turn off the flame of love.
viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

A month ago I passed the theory and practical exam driving test. When I was younger I thought that it wuold be imposible because I'm afraid of motorbikes and I thought that it would be the same.
First in January I passed the theory exam in 1st time and I was afraid because if you fail the first time you have to pay more.
Then I went to Girona to do the practical exam and I was very lucky because for me the most difficult was the parking. However a very good women examined and me I passed the exam.
The advantatges are that now I don't depend on my mother and I have more freedom and I like this a lot.
But also there are some inconveniences, for example, nowadays diesel oil and petrol is very expansive and this is a problem because you have a lot of expenses. At this moment I don't have a car and I suppose that I will have a car when I'm older. Although I use my mother's car and I share with my sister and at the moment we don't have any problems and I hope that we won't :P
Syria unrest: Damascus "suicide blasts" kill dozens
"Twin suicide car-bomb attacks have
killed at least 55 people and wounded 372 in Damascus, Syrian officials say.
The blasts happened near a military intelligence building during morning rush hour. State TV showed burnt cars and two deep craters in the road.
The government and the opposition blamed each other for the attack - the deadliest in Damascus since the start of Syria's uprising 14 months ago.
The two sides are supposed to observe a ceasefire monitored by a UN team."
In my opinion I think that the situation in this country is very violent because this country is at war.
I understand that these people are against the Government and for this reason are revealed with the Government. Although then the Government has a very violent reaction and attacks people, and the consequences of this, many people die and this seems shameful.
The objective of the Government is to have the subject people an it has all the power.
In conclusion I believe that we should be happy with what we have, because in countries like Syria it is very sad.
This film is about a boy called Harry Goldfard and his mother is called Sara Goldfarb.
Sara, Harry's mother, is a widow and she spends most of her time sitting on the couch watching TV. She receives a supposed call from your favourite television programme and she believes that she has been invited to this programme. At this moment her life cahnges because she begins to become obsessed with food and she starts a diet. This diet doesn't convince her and she decides to take pills called amphetamines because in this way she will lose weight faster.
Harry, is a boy who take drugs and he deteriorates more. Then Harry and his friend go in Florida for find easier drugs and later Harry is arm becomes infected and they go to the hospital to get help and the doctor says he is suffering fro drug addiction. Sara gets much worse and she begins to have hallucinations and finally she is taken to mental health clinic.
In my opinion I think that this film is very impressive because it is the reality of the consequences of drugs. In the movie all the characters make mistakes because o drugs.

Dominican Republic: double abuse against women with AIDS
In the Dominican Republic women are subjected to tests of AIDS every day and if these are positive they are dismissed and discriminated.
Therefore a lot of women suffer from double discrimination, first, for being women and segond, because are people with AIDS.
In my opinion I don't understand how there may be countries which discriminate this way to women and only for having a disease. It would be just the opposite, they would help a lot to people who have AIDS. The inequality of persons still in Dominican Republic and the women are very discriminated.
Women with AIDS are not treated as people, they are treated worse than animals.
In conclusion, I hope that things will change because I don't like to see these injustices in the world, although I know that the world is full of injustices.
In the Dominican Republic women are subjected to tests of AIDS every day and if these are positive they are dismissed and discriminated.
Therefore a lot of women suffer from double discrimination, first, for being women and segond, because are people with AIDS.
In my opinion I don't understand how there may be countries which discriminate this way to women and only for having a disease. It would be just the opposite, they would help a lot to people who have AIDS. The inequality of persons still in Dominican Republic and the women are very discriminated.
Women with AIDS are not treated as people, they are treated worse than animals.
In conclusion, I hope that things will change because I don't like to see these injustices in the world, although I know that the world is full of injustices.
Human rights questions
1. What are human rights?
Human rights are commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being. Human rights are thus conceived as universal and egalitarian.
2. Why were they created?
Human rights were created because, this way, people respect and there is not violence. Mainly created to delete the esclavision and people with more power not abusing them and everybody equally.
3. How many human rights are there?
There are 30 human rights.
4. Which
human right were you not familiar with? Mention an example where this human
right is respected and where it is not respected.
There are many human right that are not respected like public health. Therefore, are not respected human rights in countries where public health is not provided like Spain and I disagree totally with this because health is very important for all kind of people. I also believe that would be equality of persons.
The king breaks a hip when hunting elephants in Botsuana

The king broke a hip hunting elephants in Botsuana. This has caused some important problems, first; that the king has had eight operations during the 74 years of his lifes and the other problem is the image of Juan Carlos devoted to hunting in an African country in one of the worst weeks of recent Spanish economic history and at a delicate moment for the Royal family with Iñaki Undangarín scandal and the accident of Froilán, the grandson of the monarch.
In my opinion, I find it very shameful what has happened because I think that this is not normal. I believe that it is shameful that the king practiced hunting, a violent activity, while Spain is one of the worst moments of history. Also I find it shameful that our money is spent to hunt animals, and specially, at this time of crisi is happening Spain. While there are people who have not a home and who is dying, it is illogical that the king spent 20000 euros to practice a frightening activity.
In conclusion, I think that if the king continues to make these illogical things, Spain will go increasingly worse.
jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012
My favourite city

New York is the city of my dreams, I would like to travel to this city so much. Since I was small I have wanted to go there.
New York is the most populated city in the United States. The city is divided in five big territories: Bronx, Brooklin, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island. New York has many neighborhoods and buildings recognized around the world. For example, "The Statue of liberty", located on the island of Ellis, this statue is one of the monuments most famous of New York. The statue of liberty became a symbol of this city and represents freedom.
The city has the tallest buildings in the world, one of the most important is Empire State and the twin towers. Which were sabotaged on 11th September of 2001. I would like to go to the Empire State because I saw a televison serial called Gossip Girl and always get this big building.
New York also has some very nice parks, the most famous is Central Park, this is situated in Manhattan. This park is the most visited of United States.
I wish that I could go to New York once in my life and I will go to all of these places.
Leighton Meester

Leighton Meester is an American actress and singer. Meester first became famous and well known after playing Blair Waldorf in the serial Gossip Girl, although she most recently appeared in the 2010 country drama film country strong, the Rommate and romantic-comedy Monte Carlo.
I love her as an actress and singer, and I also know a lot about her life. Leighton had a bad children because her mother was serving time in a federal prison for her involvement in a drug ring that smuggled marijuana. She was able to give birth to Leighton in a hospital.
Leighton Meester is very pretty women and in the TV serie Gossip Girl she plays Blair Waldorf who is a girl very rich that she lives in Manhattan and she is a person very jealous and if she doesn't get what she wants, she is not happy. Her character in the serial is a little bit unbearable, but she makes me laugh.
Moreover, she also is singer. The song that I like the best of Leighton Meester is "Somebody to love", although I prefer her as an acctress.


Nowadays there are more cases of adolescents taking drugs and addiction is becoming more common. Many times adolescents begin to take drugs because of insecurity of themselves and to better integrate in groups.
The biggest problem is that drugs are becoming more common in society and also nowadays it's very easy to get drugs because this field increment a lot.
The other problem is the education of parents or at school. These people have to try to be more attentive towards the teenager and they have more confidence to explain their problems.
It's very difficult to prevent the consumption of drugs, and how can this be done?
I think that the parents who can prevent this because they are these who spend more time with children. First solution, the parents have more confidence with their children because, this way, the child will be able to explain more things. Also, the parents will have to control more their children and the parents also have to know with friends their children have.
In conclusion, I believe that it's very difficult to find the solution to this problem.
To begin, I want to say that jealousy are very bad. My main fault is that i'm a bit jealous, but I am just jealous with my boyfriend but not mith my friends or family.
I think that everybody often in his life has felt jealous because this is natural but the problem starts when this affects your relationship because it causes sadness, anger, fights... I believe that the jealously affects specially in the personal who is like this because this type of person normally has bad things like they think that their parter is deceiving then and then this person begins to be distrustful.
My mother always tell me that if I'm very jealou this will cause me many problems. For this reason I have tried to change because I don't like to be jealous, although this often cannot be avoided.
In the future I hope that I don't be jealous and that this won't affect me in my relationships I believe that after sometime you learn from your mistakes.
lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012
S/ Boulevard
20th April 2012
Ms. Motoc
S/ Waldorf
Dear Ms. Motoc,
The reason why I am writing this letter is to express my worry about women abuse, and to hige you to work to solve this problem.
I think that we should look for a solution because mistreatment has been on for too long. In my opinion we should be more help to these women because nowadays there are women that are frightened. For this reason I think that we should help this hem and the main objective is to improve education because, this way, mentality of some people will change.
Finally I believe that if we don't try to change this problem will continue to grow.
Yours sincerely,
Social networks
Social networks are social structures, which are composed of groups of people. These people are connected by relationships. In the last years, social networks have become very famous. These social networks are used to find people with common interests or to get more knowledge. These also are used to communicate with friends and family all the time.
Facebook is the social networks most used here. Now Facebook has more than 500 million legistred users around the world. The creator of this social network, probably never would thought about this situation, his name is Mark Zuckerberg and he is a programmer and U.S businessman. At the beginning, idea the network only was for university students, but it quickly expanded. For example, some services of Facebook are chatting with your friends, uploading photos or writing in you wall.
Twitter is another social network, it is a little different. This network is more used by famous people. It consist of uploading messages with a maximum of 140 characters, these messages and call tweets. If you are a twitter follower, you can follow your favourite singer or actor.
In my opinion, the subject at networks is interesting, you can communicate with everybody, but on the other hand you can observed. And there are people who don't like to feel connected with everybody all the time.
miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012
"November" is a spanish film the main character is called Alfredo and this wants to create a different art. A free art, so that people will be able to love with them the show. Alfredo said that authentic theatre is in the street. Alfredo and his group, November, begin to have thoughts to do it in the street. In this show there aren't limits, they only have to be sure that the audience will become part of the show.
In my opinion, I think that this film is very good. The worst think in life is to go to work and less if something that you don't like but it is an obligation if you want to eat every day. So, in this film, November, I'm surprised that people like Alfredo and his group work because they love art, they don't want to change. Moreover for this reason, they don't obey the laws.
I think that this film is a reflection of wanting to change the world like many people do.
I believe that although you don't like theatre and art you will like this film because it's entertaining and the end of the film is very surprising because you don't expect it.

Packets of tobacco in the USA don't have pictures of the consequences of smoking

"A Washington judg has rejected the order requiring tobacco companies to put harsh images on packets of cigarrettes about the dangerous of smoking. The judge considers that this is a lack of freedom of expression."
When was passed the anti-tobacco law they began doing these kinds of cigarette packets.
In my opinion, on one hand, I agree with this because this way if you buy tobacco and you see these photos a some time this could provocate an emotional response and this is what they want the photos to do.
On the other hand, I disagree about this case because doing this cause that people may not have freedom of expression and if they want to smoke they won't change. Also I disagree because I think that these photos are very sad.
In conclusion, I believe that if you want to stop smoking you must do it yourself and eventhough society can influence, people do what they want.
Is love at first sight real?

Love is a universal and relative concept because everyboody has different thoughts about love.
There are a lot of people who think that loved at first sight doesn't exist because they believe that it's imposible.
On a contrary, there are people who believe in love at first sight sometimes and these people are very romantic and they believe that love is always posible.
In my opinion, I think that loved at first sight is posible because if you meet a person and you feel very attracted to them I think that you can fall in love. But sometimes when you meet a person at the beginning you can feel a good feeling but then you don't like them.
Really it's the same with friends if you met a person and from the beginning you don't like his character you don't want to be with this person.
In conclusion, I believe that love is very relative and people think differently about this concept.
A "ciberacosador" is judged to 359 years in prison
Jorge Miranda is twenty-nine years old and seven years ago he began to harass 250 children over the network. The police said that he threatened to kill the girls they did not record nude and send their videos.
In my opinion, nowadays I think that it is very dangerous because there are a lot of social networks and these can be dangerous.
However science has come a long way in this aspect but also this may affect society.
Really, I believe that parents should pay more attention to their children like for example they should not let a child of ten years have a facebook or not to let him go into much to social reds because I think that children from 13 up to 17 years aren't able to think as on older person and can be deceived very easily.
With reference to this new I think that this man deserves to be in prison because he is very sick.
In conclusion, people should to be more careful with the internet in general.
In my opinion, nowadays I think that it is very dangerous because there are a lot of social networks and these can be dangerous.
However science has come a long way in this aspect but also this may affect society.
Really, I believe that parents should pay more attention to their children like for example they should not let a child of ten years have a facebook or not to let him go into much to social reds because I think that children from 13 up to 17 years aren't able to think as on older person and can be deceived very easily.
With reference to this new I think that this man deserves to be in prison because he is very sick.
In conclusion, people should to be more careful with the internet in general.
My oral presentation
In the last oral presentation I spoke about my research project it's called the Catalan Toponomy. I think that this oral presentation was better than before because I was less nervous and I was read a little bit.
Before I thought that it would have been more difficult because the subject was difficult but really it was easier. Maybe I found it easier because the subject was my research project and so I knew what I was talking about. Moreover I learnt a lot about the Catalan toponomy.
I believe that it was better than before because it lasted longer. Maybe the people in my class seemed a little bit bored because if you don't understand the subject you could be bored. Although if you like this subject it's very interesting.
In conclusion, I'm satisfied with my oral presentation and I will try to improve for the next one.
Before I thought that it would have been more difficult because the subject was difficult but really it was easier. Maybe I found it easier because the subject was my research project and so I knew what I was talking about. Moreover I learnt a lot about the Catalan toponomy.
I believe that it was better than before because it lasted longer. Maybe the people in my class seemed a little bit bored because if you don't understand the subject you could be bored. Although if you like this subject it's very interesting.
In conclusion, I'm satisfied with my oral presentation and I will try to improve for the next one.
jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012
Are we crazy if you go to the psychologist?

Psichology is a science that studies human behaviour and mental processes. Although psychology is a relative concept so there is no exact definition.
Nowadays people go to a psychologyst because there are people who think that the psychologist is the solution your problems but I believe that the psychologist helps you watch you problem but if you do not see your problem the psychologyst can't help.
There are other people who think that only feels go to the psychologist I think that they are the type of people who are not right because people who go to the psychologist need another person to help them and they also are pessimistic so, they want a better life.
In my opinion, I think that it depends if people think it is more beneficial for them or not to go to the psychologist I believe that some people need to talk about their problems with an unknow persons because in this way they can express themselves better.
I believe that you have to go to the psycholog if you have a big problem or if you are a person who needs to talk to someone.
To abandon an animal

To begin, I think that animals have feelings and although they don't speak. Animals need some person or family that to look after them because they are similars to people.
I believe that if you have an animal you must have capacity to look after it. Also you must think a lot about it because it's a responsability although they don't object.
So, I don't understand when people abandon an animal. I think that if you can't look after an animal you have a lot of options like to give a friend or some person that as far as you know is a good and responsable person.
Finally, I believe that something must be done about it because it is more common every day. Therefore if everyboody looked after animals more and everyboody thinks about it before they have an animal, there wouldn't be so many animals abandoned.
In conclusion, I think that animals should be breated like people because they also have feelings.
Whitney Houston dies
The last 12 of February Whitney Houston died at night in Los Ángeles. They said that they found her in the room and she was dead but there were no signs of violence.
In my opinion, I believe that she died from drugs because she had been taking drugs for some time. Nowadays this case is more common and this should change because in this way people would be happier and probably there wouldn't be so many problems.
Normally, famous people have a lot of problems of drugs, I think that when they become famous and they start to have a lot of money they have a lot but they need more. For this reason, only for drugs and parties.
I think that it's a shame because she was very young and she could have a great life as an artist.
A few months ago also died Amy Winehouse, this girl was younger and she also died of drugs. In my opinion, I think that this should change. Moreover, drugs make you grow old and, especially, they destroy your life.
How do new tecnhologies affect young people?

Nowadays there are a lot of new tecnhologies that can affect people, especially, young people. Many years ago young people played in the street or went out with their friends to have a good time. On the contrary nowadays we have a lot of things to entertain ourselves like computer, play-station, mobile phones, television...
These new technologies I believe affect young people a lot because they have more free time and this is causing harm in society.
Internet is the technology that affects more people but now the majority of mobile phones have Internet and you can speak with to friends. Without paying therefore the phone comparies losing money because people don't send messages and they don't call.
In my opinion, I think that the parents will have to watch their children because they waste a lot of time with this. Moreover, nowadays Internet is very dangerous because there are a lot of crazy pepole that cheat.
martes, 28 de febrero de 2012
Sex without love?
Love is a universal concept and appears when you have very passionate feelings for another person. Although love is different in everyboody there are a lot of types of love.
On the one hand, I agree with people who have sex without love because there are people who don't like to have a partner and they don't like having to explain anything to anyone. Also there are people who have had bad experiences of love and then they think that there is not love.
On the other hand, I disagree with this because there are people who this to hurt others because the other person has fallen in love and they only want sex.
In my opinion I believe that everyone has to fall in love once in life because this feeling is very nice. Although I think that also you have to enjoy life and youth. Love comes when you least expect it.
lunes, 27 de febrero de 2012
Is the research project important?
To begin, this project is very important because maybe makes you get a higher mark. This project is only done in Catalonia and I believe that it would be better to do it all over Spain, because I think that it is an important project.
It's better to choose an interesting subject for your projet because it's very long and, in this way, it's more entertaining.
When you have chosen the subject you want, you begin with an introduction of it. However the most difficult is to begin this project because this means a lot of work, so you must work hard and make an effort.
In my opinion, I think that doing this work you learnt a lot about the subject and you will have this knowledge all your life.
The advantatge of this project is that if you do the project well so you get a higher mark. But if you don't well it's a problem because if is like subject and you may have to repite the course.
In conclusion, I believe that this project is good because you learn a lot about a subject. Although I think that should everyboody do it and not only people of Catalonia.
It's better to choose an interesting subject for your projet because it's very long and, in this way, it's more entertaining.
When you have chosen the subject you want, you begin with an introduction of it. However the most difficult is to begin this project because this means a lot of work, so you must work hard and make an effort.
In my opinion, I think that doing this work you learnt a lot about the subject and you will have this knowledge all your life.
The advantatge of this project is that if you do the project well so you get a higher mark. But if you don't well it's a problem because if is like subject and you may have to repite the course.
In conclusion, I believe that this project is good because you learn a lot about a subject. Although I think that should everyboody do it and not only people of Catalonia.
Should we wear school uniforms?

Nowadays there are a lot of countries where it's compulsory to wear school unifor specially England.
In the past it was compulsory for people wear a unifor, but nowadays in the public schools they wear a uniform and in the state schools they don't.
The advantatges of a school uniform is that there is less discrimination and everyboody is the same because everybody wear the same uniform.
Another advantatge specially for girls is that if you wear a uniform you don't have to think about clothes and in this way you don't waste time.
The disadvantatge is that you are like everybody else and, therefore, you don't express your personality.
In my opinion, I think that it's good wear a uniform because people don't discrimination and normally they have a similar thinking on the contrary, I believe that these people don't hve a personality because nobody stands out from others.
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